Meet Veikko Hiltunen
Software Designer at Huld
Software designer Veikko Hiltunen is especially into building mobile services. As a person who appreciates visuality, he wants to develop solutions where every last detail has been thought out to maximize usability on small screens. Veikko’s favourite coding language is Kotlin and he is surprisingly good at playing CSGo.
How did you realize you wanted to become a Software Designer?
"In secondary school, I became interested in computers which slowly led me to technical fields. My introduction to the world of software development came at university when we were working on mobile applications for a course. In particular, the visual aspect of mobile development was so rewarding that I thought I’d enjoy it in my professional life.
I'm a perfectionist and I quickly pay attention to the smallest details. If I see something slightly wrong on the screen, I want to fix it."
What is the biggest difference between web and mobile development?
"In mobile development, you need to get all the information the user needs in a very small space on the screen. Therefore, it’s more compact than web development where you have to consider what the visual layout looks like on a larger scale. In mobile design, you have to pay attention to what information is genuinely relevant to the user.
I also find mobile development more rewarding than web development. For example, when you add a line of code to the user interface in a mobile app, you get immediate feedback on how it looks in real life."
You completed your university thesis at Huld. Tell us more!
"The aim of my thesis was to solve how to automate the publishing of a mobile app to app stores as simply as possible. The thesis consisted of four parts, as the automation had to be easy to achieve on native development platforms Android and iOS, and platform-independent platforms Flutter and React Native.
I consider my graduation to be one of my greatest achievements so far. Studying for 17 years since primary school is a big chunk of my life. I'm proud to have been able to bring it to the finish line."
What is the best at your job?
"Every day is so different. When the day ends, I know that tomorrow I can do something completely different again. Working in a team with colleagues makes the work more collaborative and sometimes when talking with clients you get feedback directly from them and the users.
The atmosphere at Huld is good and it's nice to get to chat with colleagues about work and other things. The atmosphere is also positively influenced by the fact that the Huld leaders are very approachable. Well-organized recreational events are certainly a plus!"
How would your colleagues describe you?
"Oh no, I'm really bad at talking about myself! But I think they see me as a positive and friendly guy. I've also had good feedback from colleagues on projects, so perhaps they think I’m pretty helpful too."